
Pashto Alphabet

From Afghan Watan Encyclopedia

There are 42 alphabets in Pashto language and the following table shows all of the 42 alphabets.

ش س ږ ژ ز ړ ر ذ د خ ح څ چ ځ ج ث ټ ت پ ب ا
ۍ ې ي ی ه و ڼ ن م ل ګ ک ق ف ع ظ ط ض ص ښ

Pashto Alphabets & Unicode

The following table shows the complete list of Pashto alphabets in correct alphabetical order. The list also includes alphabets of Arabic and Farsi languages, so that correct sorting order of all the alphabets could be identified if a list or a document contains words of all three languages, which is common in Islamic books written in Pashto.

Alphabets that are marked red are part of the Pashto alifba or alphabets.

Alphabet Roman[1] Unicode Name [2] پښتو نوم


Pashto Name Unicode [4]
ā Arabic Letter Alef with Madda above الف مد alif mad U+0622
ā Arabic Letter Alef الف alif U+0627
ā Arabic Letter Alef with Hamza above U+0623
ā Arabic Letter Alef Wasla U+0671
ā Arabic Letter Alef with Hamza below U+0625
ā Arabic Letter Hamza همزه hamza U+0621
b Arabic Letter Beh ﺑﯥ beh U+0628
p Arabic Letter Peh پې peh U+067E
ت t Arabic Letter Teh تې tay U+062A
ټ Arabic Letter Teh with ring ټې ṯay U+067C
ث Arabic Letter Theh ثې s̄ay U+062B
ج j Arabic Letter Jeem جيم jeem U+062C
ځ dz Arabic Letter Hah with hamza above ځيم dzeem U+0681
چ ch Arabic Letter Tcheh چې chay U+0686
څ ts Arabic Letter Hah with three dots above څې tsay U+0685
ح Arabic Letter Hah حې hay U+062D
خ kh Arabic Letter Khah خې khay U+062E
د d Arabic Letter Dal دال dal U+062F
ډ Arabic Letter Dal with ring ډال ḏal U+0689
ذ z Arabic Letter Thal ذال zal U+0630
ر r Arabic Letter Reh رې ray U+0631
ړ Arabic Letter Reh with ring ړې ṟay U+0693
ز z Arabic Letter Zain زې zay U+0623
ژ zh Arabic Letter Jeh ژې zhay U+0698
ږ ẕẖ Arabic Letter Reh with dot below & dot above ږې gey/zhey U+0696
س s Arabic Letter Seen سين seen U+0633
ش sh Arabic Letter Sheen شين sheen U+0634
ښ sẖ Arabic Letter Seen with dot below & dot above ښين sẖeen/Scheen U+069A
ص ş Arabic Letter Sad صاد şaad U+0635
ض Arabic Letter Dad ضاد ẕaad U+0636
ط ţ Arabic Letter Tah طوی ţoy U+0637
ظ Arabic Letter Zah ظوی ẓoy U+0638
ع Arabic Letter Ain عين ‘in U+0639
غ gh Arabic Letter Ghain غين ghain U+063A
ف f Arabic Letter Feh فې fay U+0641
ق q Arabic Letter Qaf قاف qaf U+0642
ک k Arabic Letter Keheh کاف kaf U+06A9
ك k Arabic Letter Kaf کاف kaf U+0643
ګ g Arabic Letter Keheh with ring ګاف gaf U+06AB
گ g Arabic Letter Gaf ګاف gaf U+06AF
ل l Arabic Letter Lam لام lam U+0644
م m Arabic Letter Meem ميم meem U+0645
ن n Arabic Letter Noon نون noon U+0646
ڼ Arabic Letter Noon with ring نوڼ nooṉ U+06BC
و w Arabic Letter Wow واو wow U+0648
ه h Arabic Letter Heh هې hay U+0647
h Arabic Letter Teh Marbuta ګردې تې gardai tay U+0629
ی y Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh يې yay U+06CC
ي y Arabic Letter Yeh سخته يې sakhta yay U+064A
ې y Arabic Letter E پسته يې / اوږده يې pasta yay U+06D0
ۍ y Arabic Letter Yeh with tail ښځينه يې sẖadzina/schazina yay U+06CD
y Arabic Letter Yeh with hamza above فعليه يې / مصدر يې feliya/masdar yay U+0626